AtBoth I guess. The baddest of the bad that I do or am, is that I do up Halloween like no tomorrow. Yep, I'm a regular, evil yatch.
BlackSwan of Memphis
JoinedPosts by BlackSwan of Memphis
Since Leaving The "Truth" Have You Been Naughty or Nice?
by minimus ini was raised in it.
for the most part i was an exemplary jw.
i'm a very social fun loving person.
Talked to my Ex. from 35 years ago.
by Decided ini found my first wife's telephone number on the internet and called her.
we talked for a while and she told me why she divorced me.
she couldn't stand the controlling jw life that we had.
BlackSwan of Memphis
Is she mad at you for calling or is she mad at you for not talking with her about it before you did so with the intention of finding out her feelings on the matter?
No windows
by BlackSwan of Memphis ina couple years back i read posts re the lack of windows in the kh.
i think at the time i was still so close to the situation that i thought it was a bit extreme and surely it couldn't be anything like it was being made out to be: conspiracy on the part of the organization.. flash forward to recent days.
i have been attending our local unitarian universalists church (or universalist unitarian?
BlackSwan of Memphis
Unitarian Universalists church Believes a lot like the WT ieLike rejection of the Trinity
The also veiw Jesus as a mere man,but a secondary divine being.
It was formed in 1961 by the merger of the American Unitarian Assoc:
( the principal religious body teaching)Its churches exhibit an eclectic blend of
liberal Christianity,humanism,atheism,& neopagenism.Just encase you are not aware of their teachings....I thought I would
look it up in the Book EXPOSITOR Index of CULTS & Religions....that is part of
of it readings aboveYah, I just had a Presbyterian friend say the exact same thing to me. She was trying to get me to come to her church. I sorta listened and at the same time waited for the best moment to change the subject. I've found what I needed, at least for the time being and it works for me.
I think the concept of UU is that it is welcoming to everyone. Some people there do believe Jesus is God and whatnot, but they also are very liberal in how they view the concept of salvation.
I think they are the exact OPPOSITE of the JW's in that they don't believe you have to believe WHAT they Teach in order to be saved by anyone or anything. But I also have found, that most Christians that I have met and their churches do not outright teach anything like the JW's in the concept of shunning and one True Church Organization.
Most of my friends are Christian and we get along beautifully. We accept each other and embrace one another for our differences and from what I recall that is the kind of Christian you are. So keep on keeping on.
love, light and bright blessings to you
And as for the concept of the Windows......HM then I am going to have digress as it sounds like this is Not a universal jw thing.
Who works out the layout for the KHs?
No windows
by BlackSwan of Memphis ina couple years back i read posts re the lack of windows in the kh.
i think at the time i was still so close to the situation that i thought it was a bit extreme and surely it couldn't be anything like it was being made out to be: conspiracy on the part of the organization.. flash forward to recent days.
i have been attending our local unitarian universalists church (or universalist unitarian?
BlackSwan of Memphis
A couple years back I read posts re the lack of windows in the KH. I didn't think too much about it. I think at the time I was still so close to the situation that I thought it was a bit extreme and surely it couldn't be anything like it was being made out to be: conspiracy on the part of the Organization.
Flash forward to recent days. I have been attending our local Unitarian Universalists church (or universalist unitarian?) and was able to get my husband to come a service.
Afterwards we were talking about how much we both really like it, and the natural flow of the conversation took us to the differences between that and the Kingdom hall.
Something he really liked was how the windows looked out into the gorgeous scenery outside. There are several acres of land which allow for a few paths that go through the woods. The playground is right outside as well. You can go and sit and listen to the pianist and stare outside and find yourself mellowing out. It is awesome.
My husband says to me that it is so different from the KH where there were never any windows because they want your FULL attention. They don't want you to be distracted by anything. He noted that is one of the ways they brainwash you. You can't think of anything else, because they don't want you to.
For those of you who don't know me or family, my husband was never a jw (I married OUT of the faith) and came with me to the meetings occasionally.
Looking back, I really had to agree. It's scary to think that Yes, there really is that much that goes into the planning of how to indoctrinate.
Trying to annul your baptism, WT says forget about it.
by cattails inthe koolaid wt issue for february has an interesting article about when your baptism can be considered invalid.but the main thrust of the article is aimed at making it super clear that if you were present at your bapt.
talk and answered the two questions then forget about it, elders are put on notice to not let anyone off the hook.but... if you were committing a serious sin and hid it at the time of your baptism, then it was invalid, and point is, they'd still announce you not being "one of j.w.s" so if you plead your case to walk away from the wt saying you didn't know what you were getting into, it will do no good, but it will be grounds for an announcement.just ol' mother wt tightening up loose ends.
BlackSwan of Memphis
This is where I wonder if its' necssary for elected officials to step in.... but it's a sticky situation, I admit what with freedom of religion here in the states.
I know kids who were baptized before they even hit the mark of ten years old. How the f*** can a ten year old even begin to comprehend what he's being asked to do?
The fact is, they can't. A baptism in the eyes of the JWs is so completely different than what the rest of the world thinks of. A baptism in the eyes of the GB is more like a contract between a person and a legal corporation.
In that sense how can they possibly be allowed to let children enter into a legal contract without the protection of someone who can make sure they aren't going to be exploited or harmed?
Blows me away....
My Resignation Letter
by AllTimeJeff ini never did post this here.
i am posting it now for posterity's sake.
its been a few years, but, its good food for thought.
BlackSwan of Memphis
That was really well written.
How do elders step down?
by BlackSwan of Memphis incatching up on some of the posts a thought came to mind..... .
if an elder or ms wants to step down, what is the process?
can it be as simple as saying "i need to step down" without having to supply an explanation?.
BlackSwan of Memphis
@ Ada
Yeah isn't that the truth! (truth....heh)
How do elders step down?
by BlackSwan of Memphis incatching up on some of the posts a thought came to mind..... .
if an elder or ms wants to step down, what is the process?
can it be as simple as saying "i need to step down" without having to supply an explanation?.
BlackSwan of Memphis
Thanks for all the responses and the link as well.
Pretty much what I expected.
Elders and ms cannot just walk away. There is that further element of control that the Organization has.
Because even if it's a matter of the people just wanting to know or the other members of the BOE, there is still that mindset of tattling on others and turning them in.
It's seriously like the idea of Big Brother watching you and your every move.
And if it were really the truth, the absolute only truth that blows all other truths away, it should shine in the darkness and not be afraid of the light.
How do elders step down?
by BlackSwan of Memphis incatching up on some of the posts a thought came to mind..... .
if an elder or ms wants to step down, what is the process?
can it be as simple as saying "i need to step down" without having to supply an explanation?.
BlackSwan of Memphis
Catching up on some of the posts a thought came to mind....
If an elder or ms wants to step down, what is the process? Can it be as simple as saying "I need to step down" without having to supply an explanation?
I realize that family and friends would wonder WHY would anyone step down from such a privilege!? I'm thinking more from the pov of the control of the GB and BOE in the congregation.
The fine art of refusing a Shepherding Call
by Open mind ini'm pretty sure the forseeable future will include numerous attempts to "shepherd" my family.
my elder status is either already gone or soon to be gone.. .
does anyone know of specific rules when it comes to refusing a shepherding call?
BlackSwan of Memphis
Hey there OM. Long time no see :)
I let them come.
It was really awkward. They asked the usual questions, I evaded them as best as I could.
If you stay in the area, and don't move, it's probably going to be a long time hun. One of those things where it just takes time.
Damn, I didn't realize you are still fading!!! Been thinking about you much lately.
hugs to you